10 Mind-Blowing Life Hacks You’ve Never Tried

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Are you tired of feeling stuck in a rut, using the same old tricks and techniques to get by? Well, buckle up, friend, because we’re about to blow the lid off the secret world of life hacks! And trust us, you won’t want to miss this – we’re talking game-changing stuff that’ll make you wonder how you ever lived without it. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get hacking!

1. Use A Pencil Eraser To Clean Your Keyboard

Your keyboard may be a magnet for dust and grime, and conventional cleansing methods often fail to reach the crevices. Using a pencil eraser is an inventive solution. Rub the eraser over the keys and the surrounding areas. The eraser will pick up the dirt and make your keyboard smooth and residue-unfastened. This hack is perfect for removing those cussed smudges acquired over the years.

2. Use A Staple Remover To Add Keys To Your Keyring

Are you struggling to open a keyring to add a brand-new key? Save your nails and sanity by using a staple remover. Slide the remover’s teeth between the coils of the keyring, and it will open up without difficulty, permitting you to feature keys without a fight. This approach protects your fingernails, saves time, and is incredibly convenient. Staple removers are not unusual, inexpensive, and make the project easy. Next time you want to add a key, attain a staple remover and experience its convenience.

3. Use A CD Spindle To Store Bagels

Those empty CD spindles from the ’90s can be repurposed as bagel storage containers. They are the perfect size to hold and keep your bagels fresh. Clean the spindle thoroughly and stack your bagels inside. This hack keeps your bagels fresh and gives you space in your kitchen.

4. Diy Laptop Cooling Stand With Egg Carton

Do you need to cool your laptop but want to save money on something other than a cooling pad? To provide plenty of airflow, turn over a few empty cartons. If you’re going to place your laptop on your lap, you won’t burn your legs doing so, either. Although it’s not the most attractive object, it works well and is reasonably priced.

5. Use A Hairdryer To Remove Stickers And Labels

Stickers that are difficult to remove irritate. Next time you encounter a stubborn sticker, try applying some simple heat from a hairdryer instead of using chemicals. All you need is a hair dryer and a little perseverance; point the dryer’s beam of heat toward the sticker’s corner. The sticker should begin to come off easily after about 45 seconds; if not, give it another 45 seconds and try again.

6. Use A Squeegee To Remove Pet Hair From Carpets

Pet hair may be hard to remove from carpets, but a squeegee can work wonders. Run a squeegee over the rug to collect pet hair into clumps. The rubber side effectively pulls up hair that vacuums often leave behind. This technique is particularly beneficial for high-pile carpets and rugs. It’s a clean and fee-effective solution that requires no special equipment.

7. Old Newspapers In The Trash Bin

Line the bottom of your trash bin with old newspapers to prevent messy leaks. The paper absorbs juices and liquids, reducing odours and simplifying cleanup. This easy trick is especially beneficial for kitchen bins that handle meal waste. Recycling old newspapers also contributes to reducing waste. It’s a sensible and green answer for retaining your trash can clean and dry.

8. Use Bread To Pick Up Broken Glass

One fundamental meal that’s always on hand in practically every American cupboard is bread. It’s soft and spongy, making it ideal for picking up shards of glass. Press a soft bread slice flat against the fragments until they stick, and discard the bread. Continue until every fragment has been extracted.

9. Use A Wine Cork To Secure Loose Cables

Loose cables can be annoying and dangerous. To keep them organised, cut a slit in the wine cork and insert your cables. This simple hack prevents wires from falling to the ground or your desk. It’s an effective way to manage your workspace and avoid cable clutter.

10. Using A Toilet Paper Roll As A Phone Speaker

Cut a slit in an empty toilet paper roll. It’s wide enough to suit your smartphone. Insert your cell phone into the slit, and the cardboard tube will amplify the sound. This makeshift speaker boosts your cellphone’s volume while not having any electronics or batteries. It’s ideal for enhancing audio.