Popular “Facts” That Are Mostly Just Regular Myths

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Have you ever accepted a ‘fact’ without questioning its validity? You’re not alone! Many take certain ‘truths’ at face value without digging deeper to uncover the reality. But what if I told you that some of these ‘facts’ are false or misleading? In this blog, I will tell some myths about daily life.

1. While Asleep, You Swallow Eight Spiders Every Year.

It’s not necessary to be an arachnophobe to find it unsettling to consider that, on average, you swallow eight spiders while you sleep each year. But there’s no need to worry because such an idea is untrue. A sleeping person’s vibrations would likely startle a spider, and those eight-legged web-spinners don’t deliberately try to get into contact with humans, according to Scientific American. It is, therefore, possible that you could swallow a spider as you sleep, although this is unlikely, and there is no concrete proof that you swallow eight a year. 

2. Sugar Makes Children Hyper.

Untrue. Sugar does not make kids more hyperactive, according to several studies. Research has shown that parents sometimes have the misconception that their child is hyper when, in fact, they are not. Parents who thought their child was given sugar thought their child was more hyper.

3. Apply Ice If You Burn Yourself.

Studies reveal that using ice cubes to treat small burns may cause more harm than benefit. This is due to the possibility of skin surface injury from frostbite-like conditions at extremely cold temperatures. 

4. Fruits And Vegetables Should Always Be Peeled.

Vegetables and fruits such as potatoes, apples, carrots, and citrus fruits have delicious skins loaded with healthy nutrients. For instance, compared to a peeled apple, an apple with skin has up to 332% more vitamin K, 142% more vitamin A, 115% more vitamin C, and 20% more calcium. On the other hand, a skin-on boiling potato can contain up to 175% more vitamin C than a peeled potato.

5. You Should Drink Eight Glasses Of Water A Day.

Hydration needs vary from person to person, and many people get enough fluids through food and other beverages. The “eight glasses” rule is more of a guideline than a strict requirement.

6. Arthritis can be caused by popping your knuckles.

Cracking your fingers, neck, knuckles, or other joints isn’t significant. Our synovial, or joint, fluid contains nitrogen bubbles that burst, which is the noise you hear when you pop your knuckles. The majority of the satisfaction you derive from this is psychological. Any pain you may have could be an indication of an underlying medical issue such as gout, trauma, or arthritis. 

7. Coffee Stunts Your Growth.

There’s no scientific proof that shows this. While caffeine can have other effects on the body, stunting growth isn’t one of them.

8. Bulls Hate the Color Red.

Bulls are colour blind to red. They charge at the movement of the matador’s cape, not the colour itself.

9. Shaving Makes Hair Grow Back Thicker.

 Shaving hair gives a blunt tip, which might feel coarser as it grows out, but it doesn’t change the thickness, colour, or growth rate.

10. We Only Use 10% of Our Brain.

Neurologists have explored this myth. We use virtually every part of our brain, and most of the brain is active almost always